Friday, August 31, 2007

The Earthquake and a Small Update

So, whats it been now, a month? Sorry that its been so long, kinda slacked off. Anyway, where to begin... Well, I'm sure that many of you have heard about the 8.0 earthquake that rocked a large portion of central Peru (anywhere from 2.5 to 6 hours away from Lima), one of the greatest natural disasters in Peru's history. As terrible and heartbreaking as all the destruction and lives lost have been, we're now seeing that there will be many people in a town called Chincha that will begin to follow the Lord. As we begin to rebuild a families house that a small number of people met to worship, we see the response towards love, service, and truth. If you think about it, almost any major change in the Bible came about out of tragedy, look at Jesus' death for example. He died so that the whole world might live. In the same way, this tragedy has opened many peoples eyes to the brevity of life and how small we are, and, in turn, has made them seek for something eternal. We have the answer to pain, sorrow, and death; Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

We're still waiting to begin the SIBI sateltie school in our living room (the internet people have STILL not come after 2 weeks), but we're hoping to start as soon as possible (AKA when the Internet people get here).

Spanish is going great still, I'm able to understand and speak more everyday and its just a mater of time before I am able to carry good conversations on with who ever. I now have a personal teacher who, after only two class periods, has taught me about past, future, auxilary verbs, direct and inderect objects, and tons of new vocabulary. Unfortunatley the thing about languages is that when your a baby and start speaking your native language, your just repeating everything you hear and you determine if its right or not by how it sounds. Now, when you learn a new language, if you don't know much about your own languages grammar like me (yes, I hated english class and am now paying for it) then its very difficult to understand how to form sentences that make any sense.

Well, thats all for now. I will hopefully be able to update you a little bit more on the church situation down here (first there was one, then 3, and now 5. It gets more confusing.) as soon as I know exactly whats going on. Just know for now that we had our 5th baptism, again by one of the memebers of our church that Paul discipled, and Brent had a study with one of the teenage guys that comes to our Wenesday night small group. Know that there are great things being done here, and God deserves all the glory for it. Well, I hope that all of you are well and that you are drawing near and near to God each day. Until next time, take care and God Bless (I know how to say both of these in spanish, but unforutnatley I have no idea how to spell them so you'll have to wait for next one.)